From Angelika's Diary: As always, my herbal knowledge comes from my mother, God rest her soul. As a child, she told me a story of how the Sage plant had saved the Christ child from Herod's soldiers. As Mary and Joseph traveled with the baby Jesus through the mountains of Judea, they stopped in a small town to rest. The town folk didn't have anything to spare - no hospitality, no water, no shelter, and not even a kind word. So Mary rested by the side of the road, nursing the tiny babe, as Joseph took the donkey to get a drink from the town well. As Mary sat, she heard the thundering hooves of Herod's butchers, searching for her child. Quickly, she looked for a place to hide, and not seeing a cave or trees anywhere, she asked a rose bush that was close by, if it would open its petals and hide the baby. The rose bush wrinkled one of its small button flowers at Mary, telling her to get on her way quickly, so that the butchers wouldn't blemish the roses. Mary fled to...